標籤彙整: Madoka Magica

/( ◕‿‿◕ )\: だから僕と契約して、魔法少女になってよ!










/( ◕‿‿◕ )\: だから僕と契約して、魔法少女になってよ!

出處: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=16903028

Without doubt, Madoka Magica is one of the most unique and spectacular anime I’ve seen.

It deviously includes the misleading name of “Magical Girl” in its title, luring you in with the promise of the happy and flashy battles of the genre. Then, when your guards are down, it springs the true theme upon you. (Ep. 3…)

A darker story there is not, it defies all your previous expectations leaving you gasping in tears. As it progresses you realize the whole thing is a lie, but by now it has ripped a whole in your chest and your soul empty. In the darkness with stone cold fingers you watch the traumatic scene again. And again.

“Hope” and “Despair” ….there really is only a line’s difference between.

“As you wish upon a hope, the same amount of despair shall befallen you. Only by paying an equal cost does the world keep its equilibrium.” This is the line that has really captivated me, as it so elegantly describes the theme of the show.

There is no such thing as a free miracle. Without sacrifice, you cannot come to appreciate what is gained even if it is fulfilled.

And being human… who really knows what one desires?

8 episodes so far, and the curtain is being lifted and the cards revealed. It is hard to imagine how things will end. In some ways I truly hopes that the girls will find a happy end, but on the other hand, a tragic end may push the meaning of despair to the pinnacle.