Maigo 迷途

Onsen Maigo – Extra – About Onsen

Let’s talk about some of the things I learned during my searches.



First, what is onsen?



The general understanding is it’s hot spring water, whether naturally existing or drawn up through wells. The legal definition is a lot more specific, first of all, the water needs to be higher than 25 degrees C, and must contain specific quantity of minerals. The concentration of the minerals required depends on the type of minerals, some less, some more.



So onsen is hot mineral water? Kinda, when used in a bathing context it became a lot murkier. As onsen is such a selling point for hotels and ryokans, all of them try to offer onsens and stick all kind of impressive descriptions before them. Some are just fluff, others misleading.



  1. Natural vs Artificial 天然vs人工

First thing to knock out is natural vs artificial onsen. Natural simple enough means the onsen water is drawn from natural sources.



Artificial onsen water is created from normal water by adding onsen powder, grounded mineral stones and other additives to increase mineral content of water. These are most often used in city baths, or when a place wishes to offer nigori にごり, murky onsen and the natural sources are not concentrated enough or contain the right mix of minerals to have that oxidation colour effect. Whether artificial onsen has same effect as natural onsen is another matter.



  1. Recycled vs Kakenagashi 循環vs掛け流し


Recycled is easy enough to understand, think of a swimming pool, the water is sucked down through inlets, filtered and then flows back out. In the recycling process chemicals may also be added to prevent the growth of bacteria and clear out dirty particles. Supposedly technology has advanced enough that the process does not affect the mineral content of the onsen water, won’t go into discussing whether this holds true or not.



Kakenagashi supposedly means letting it flow continuously from the source without cycling, in actuality it has a devious definition, for the sake of sanity for now it’s best to simply think of it is the opposite of recycled. We will go into this in depth later.



So why recycle at all? The answer is because it takes a heck of a lot more water than one would think to achieve kakenagashi.



Onsen water needs to be constantly replaced to keep the bath clean and avoid bacteria growth, like legionnaire’s disease which sometimes break out when an onsen bath isn’t kept up to standards.

溫泉水必須持續不斷更換才能保持乾淨避免細菌滋生,許多時有耳聞的legionaires disease就是不及格的溫泉造成的。


Just how much water is needed? A general sum of rule is the water of a bath need to be able to be completely replaced every hour (ie, inflow volume in an hour = total volume of bath). Take a decent sized public bath, 3 by 5 metres and 0.6 metres deep, 9 cubic metres = 9000 litres every hour = 150 litres every minute (150L/m). Then double the bath for both genders, 300L/m, suddenly we’re looking at a lot of water. For larger hotels there’s a need for even more baths to prevent crowding, a hotel with 100 rooms is going to need several pair of public baths.

掛流需要多少水呢?原則上一個溫泉池的水必須一小時汰換一次 (一小時流入的水 = 池子的容積)。拿一個還算寬廣的公共池,3公尺長 5公尺寬 0.6公尺深,容積的9立方 = 每小時9000公升 = 每分鐘150公升 (150L/m)。男女池都要所以x2,300L/m,這樣消耗的水量是很可觀的。大一點的旅館避免擁擠必須多幾個池,一個數百房的旅館可能需要數對溫泉池。


Although this number seems to be mostly refer to public baths where it’s expected to be in constant use. Private baths or baths that sees less usage may require less water to maintain cleanliness.



Most places simply don’t have this much onsen water available, the larger a hotel or ryokan the larger its bath needs to be and the less likely it’s going to be able to source enough water for it.



Larger hotels either recycle their water, or sometimes have one bath that is kakenagashi then recycle the water from that bath to feed other baths. Keep an eye out on a hotel’s onsen description to see which ones are kakenagashi.



On a similar note, if the hotel offers onsen baths in their rooms, keep an eye out to see if they specify it is kakenagashi, as private baths uses up way more water per guest. Or worse, sometimes the room’s open air baths aren’t onsen water at all, be sure to double check this, don’t go to a onsen hotel and bath in plain piped water.



If the size of baths seems too hard to estimate, another rough rule is 1 litres per minute for every staying guest, this doesn’t take into account private baths, sizes and other factors so don’t rely on it.



Now consider that Yufuin, one of the largest onsen in Japan by onsen water amount range about 40~60000L/m. By comparison Hakone, probably the most visited onsen by foreigners, has about ~20000L/m. It is then not difficult to see why it is quite rare for hotels to offer kakenagashi.

現在來看看溫泉地的水量,拿由布院來說,算是日本湧泉量中名列前茅的,每分鐘40~60000L/m. 相較下外國人最愛的箱根大概是20000L/m. 這樣就不難理解為何提供掛流的旅館不多。


If look look at Taiwan, the most famous Beitou onsen, has blue and white spring combined output of 6000~8000m3 a day, 6000×1000/24/60 = ~4166~5555L/m, a quarter of Hakone and a tenth of Yufuin. The supply demand situation of onsen water by Beitou’s onsen hotels is clear, and so are the implications.

拿台灣來說,最有名的北投溫泉每天供給青磺白磺一天共6000~8000立方, 6000×1000/24/60 = ~4166~5555L/m,是箱根的1/4,由布院的1/10。北投旅館的溫泉供需狀況和引發現象可想而知。


If we’re looking for the kakenagashi experience, focus on hotels and ryokans with less than 30 rooms as they are more likely to have them.



Though less common, temperature can also affect whether kakenagashi is possible. Onsen water needs to be about 40 degrees, less in summer slightly more in winter. If the onsen source is not at the right temperature then they will need to be adjusted. Keep in mind the water will have cooled between the source, the holding tank and finally piped to the bath.



If the source is below desired temperature, either the hotel will let it be as is and warn the guests that the onsen may be too cold (especially in winter), or the hotel will opt to heat it up. But heating up water costs money, if the outflow is let off as in the case of kakenagashi, all that heated water essentially goes to waste and continuously heating up fresh water will cost a fortune, so the hotel is forced to recycle the hot outflow to reduce heating bills.



On the other end, if the onsen source is too hot, then the water will need to be cooled down before it can be fed into the baths. Cooling down may sound simple, but natural cooling may not cool down water fast enough nor in sufficient quantity. A heat exchanger may be used but that itself requires a huge amount of fresh cold water that may not be cheaply available.



There’s also the option of adding cold water directly, but that can only be done to a small degree before the water stop qualifying as onsen.



If the onsen source is not of the right temperature it may not be possible for the hotel to do kakenagashi.



Bonus: Kusatsu uses hot water that comes out of their heat exchanger to supply household hot water and pipe it beneath roads to melt snow.

多提一點: 草津溫泉將它們轉換器熱水排出來供給一般住戶的熱水和在路面下鋪設熱水管線在冬天可融雪。


  1. Gensen Kakenagashi, Gensen 100% Kakenagashi 源泉掛け流し, 源泉100%掛け流し


We’ve already determined kakenagashi means no recycling so it’s the best there is, right?



Well, not quite. If we look at various descriptions onsens hotels use to describe their onsen water, we’ll come some labels like “gensen kakenagashi” (源泉かけ流し), or goodness forbid, “gensen 100% kakenagashi” (源泉100%かけ流し).



It’s a way for hotels to promote themselves by sticking more labels to make things seem more impressive.



Let us look at “gensen” first. Gensen means local source, so “gensen kakenagashi” means directly from local source with no recycling.



Technically the term gensen is to separate it from indou (引湯) where onsen water is trucked in to a hotel from elsewhere. Hotels and onsen baths in city do this often to provide the busy city dwellers a chance to relax and enjoy onsen bath.



Sometimes onsen hotels secretly resort to this too when they’re short and desperate for more onsen water, like what happened in Arima (有馬温泉) a few years ago, causing quite a scandal.



Except in the case of kakenagashi this is largely a redundant qualifier since no one is going to be capable of trucking in that much water to allow it to flow continuously without recycling. Adding gensen before kakenagashi is just fluff.



Next let’s see about that 100%. The first thought would be, it means 100% directly from the source without treating it. And that would be correct***. Yes, that’s what it should mean but with several fine prints.



There is some vagueness around for what qualifies for 100%. The gensen kakenagashi association considers an onsen to be 100% given the “added amount of water for purpose of adjusting temperature does not affect quality of onsen water”. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



The onsen association considers 100% to have no added water but heating is allowed. (As mentioned heating is a rare case anyway due to cost involved).

溫泉協會對100%的認知是不能加水但加熱可以 (前面提過加熱掛流本來就不多,沒多大影響)


For the Japanese Fair Trade Commission, they stipulates that 100% must be 100% with no water or heating. But we can still see some advertising as 100% with exception in footnotes, such as “100% gensen kakenagashi*. *Sometimes water may be added for cooling”. 



If that is all getting very confusing, it is, especially when a hotel’s website may not be very clear or even mention what kind of onsen water it offers, sometimes they put that description in the room’s booking plans, othertimes it might even be in the description of a photo in their gallery.



There is a quick way to help find out though. That’s Jalan. Jalan is quite clear in how hotels should label their onsen. Unfortunately whether a hotel follow the guidelines is another matter, I find it to be correct most of the time at least.



Bonus: Jalan is very detailed about everything about its listings. One of the other detail which I love is it lists the number of rooms and the number of public baths a place has, I use it a lot to get a feel for how big a ryokan is. Jalan for info of a hotel, Rakuten for pretty pictures of a hotel.

另一提: Jalan對旅館細節要求很詳細。我很喜歡他會要求旅館寫出一共有幾個房間


On Jalan there is a field showing what onsen a hotel has. It goes in the format of <Onsen Name> (Qualifier) [Kakenagashi tag if any]



The qualifier can be:

100% natural (no added water, no heating)

Added water



The last 3 can be combined, eg “Recycled, added water”.



100%天然溫泉 (不加水加熱)






A hotel gets the kakenagashi label as long as it does not recycle (adding water or heating is allowed, but that in theory disqualify them from 100% natural). The hotel may add in footnote explaining they’re 100% most of the time and when water would be added.



  1. Onsen analysis certificate 溫泉分析書


Every hotel is supposed to put up in the bath area a certificate of their onsen source showing their mineral breakdowns and certifying they are indeed using onsen water. Though not required, many certificate will also indicate the flow rate of the onsen source so we can learn about the L/m this way. We can also learn about the onsen sources’ temperature (which may give some indication whether it’ suitable for bathing in winter, summer), and the kind of onsen water it is, whether strong or weak, scent, acidic or alkaline. For first time onsen bathers it’s not recommended that they try out strong acidic (such as some in Kusatsu) as they may cause skin agitation.

。雖然不是一定會有,有些溫泉分析書會標出溫泉的水量,可得知L/m。同時也可得知溫泉的溫度(可大略判斷是否適合冬天或夏天泡),還有是那種溫泉,強或弱,酸或鹼。若是第一次泡溫泉的人不建議泡強酸泉 (如草津),皮膚可能會過敏。


Onsen Maigo – Afterword

Budget 花費

Keep in mind there’s a saving of 18000Y from the accommodation coupons.


Usually my trip’s breakdown sees more equal share of accommodation and transport, maybe 40-30 split. This time because of the double onsen plus exorbitant Hakata saturday price, accommodation takes up the vast majority of cost.



Finding Accomodation 找住宿


The review scores on Rakuten and Jalan are a good indication for a place’s quality. It’s important to take note of the scoring breakdowns. Rakuten has location as one of its points which can drag down a place’s score, though location may not factor much into your specific needs. For example Ryu no Hige gets a lower score on Rakuten due to it being further from Yufuin station.



Next is to glance over the reviews to get an indication of what kind of guests the places tends to get as this may affect a place’s review. For example comparing Ryu no Hige and Hozantei, it is clear that Hozantei gets much more tourists (people visiting Kurokawa for first time) while Ryu no Hige gets much more vacationers (people visiting to get out of the city). Similar higher vacationer reviews can be seen in some other ryokans in Yufuin too.

再來是要看評論來了解住這裡的大多是怎樣的訪客。拿龍之鬍鬚和帆山亭來說,帆山亭明顯有比多的觀光客 (第一次來黑川的人),而龍之鬍鬚中就有較多渡假的人 (放假想遠離都市的人)。由布院有幾間旅館也同樣有比較多渡假的人。


Vacationers tend to be repeaters to an area and can be more critical in their scoring, while tourists (especially foreign tourists *cough* Bettei Itsuki *cough*) are much more easily impressed.

渡假的人常常到這地方多次,在評論上比較嚴格。而觀光客(尤其是外國觀光客 *cough* 別邸 樹)比較容易被滿足。


Japanese tended to be quite detailed in their reviews and a lot of information can be glimpsed if one is willing to spend the time.



Now a very important note is to pay attention to the reviews and see what plans and rooms the person stayed at. Sometimes a place has premium and lesser class rooms, and the level of services provided can be vastly different. This is very apparent in Gettouan where the highest reviews often come from their premium rooms and the standard rooms yields much higher ratio of complaints.



Various rankings and recommendations floating around the web are best ignored, they’re either based on some popularity ranking (which means the popular stays popular) or they’re just regurgitated information pushed out for ad clicks. If I had followed them I would never have found Ryu no Hige as the place is basically off the maps.

網路上的推薦和排名不要管比較好,很多都只是名氣排名 (有名氣的就持續有名氣)或是隨便翻別人的資料寫寫賺點頁率廣告費的。若聽他們的話就不會找到像龍之鬍鬚這種沒名氣的旅館。


The accommodation choices this time were quite good picks, but I think if I had to choose again I would pick something other than Hozantei.



Rental Car 租車


Driving in Japan is a lot easier than thought. I’m likely add rental as an option while planning trips in future.



Rental vs Train/Bus 租車vs電車巴士

Cost of rental this time is about ~9.8k per person (27k for 48 hours, pick up at Hakata drop off at Yufuin, plus 2.4k tolls), plus ~4k for train back to Hakata from Yufuin.

Compared to the bus. Hakata to Kurokawa is 3090Y, Kurokawa to Yufuin is 1750Y, for total of 4840.

For trains. A north Kyushu pass 3 day is 8500Y (which can’t go to Kurokawa), but let’s suppose we did a different trip and went to Kumamoto and Yufuin instead. This will also cover the train back to Hakata but won’t allow booking beforehand.

So rental car cost about twice as much as buses and 1.5x train.

這回租車是大約一人9.8k (租車48小時,博多取到由布院還,加2.4k過路費)。還有另外由布院回博多的車票~4k。
若搭巴士。博多到黑川溫泉是3090Y,黑川到由布院1750Y 總共4840Y。一樣回博多火車錢另付。






This is without doubt my best trip so far. About 90% went according to plans. I still get problems with exploring an area as I often forget places I could go to, both in Yufuin and in Tenjin.



Onsen Maigo – Day 5

Part of the problem with being an early person, was that you felt compelled to make something out of the early hours. Our flight was at 12, we had to get to the airport by 10, so check out at 9:30 and take a taxi there. We woke up at around 6, technically we had about 3 hours, except nothing was open at this hour.



Breakfast first though. The cafe we went to yesterday only opens at 7 so we were too early even for it. Thankfully there’s a McDonald underneath Hakata station (west side B1).




While biting into the McMuffin I thought about where to go next. Last time we went to the Ohori Park but due to time largely missed the castle ruins. That was one option, however since we weren’t as early as last time we might only get only an hour there before needing to turn back, not sure if that would be enough to walk all the way around the ruins.



The other remaining choice was going to Gion and check out some of the temples there. Since we were already on the west side it wasn’t a long walk, maybe just 10 minutes to there.



There was an underground pedestrian/bike parking passage connecting Hakata to Gion station. Everytime I see these huge underground bike storages in Japan I feel a little sad that Taiwan or Australia does not have anything similar. It’s a chicken and egg problem. Japan had an existing bike culture so when they built infrastructures they took them into account, building in bike storages and ramps on the side of stairs for pushing bikes up/down, encouraging the continued use of bicycles. While in Taiwan and Australia bikes weren’t considered a means of transport and became always an afterthought (not to mention Australia’s stupid no bikes on sidewalk rule), the infrastructures were not built to be bike friendly and as result very few people use bikes. I very much think Japan’s bike to station, train to work/school to be the ideal transportation mix. Keeps cars off the roads and keep the shops concentrated around stations.



Anyway, Gion was famous for a series of buddhist temples Touchouji (東長寺), Joutenji(承天寺), Shofukuji (聖福寺). In particular Touchouji has one of Japan’s largest wooden seated buddha statues.



It was winter and still quite dark when we got there. The temples unknown to me only opened at 9, we could not enter to see the buddha statue and were only able to have a look around the courtyard.


Touchouji 東長寺

Touchouji 東長寺

Next time I have to come to Fukuoka, either I’m taking a later flight home or I’m going to stay out late and wake up later.



We returned, brushed up back at the hotel and headed back out separately to do our own shopping in Hakata station. At least Deitos ground floor where all most of the gift shops were opened very early (makes sense, they were selling to travellers who might need to catch the early train after all).

回旅館梳洗完後各自去車站逛街買要的東西。至少Deitos的伴手禮街很早就開了 (要賣給趕早車的旅客)。

Hakata station

Hakata station

Hakata station

An accident happened when I forgot my wallet back at the Deitos shops while buying sweet cakes. Thankfully the staff stored it for safekeeping and I was able to get it back no problem.



Instead of calling a taxi from the hotel we walked to the station instead, this way we didn’t need to wait for the taxi to show up. We got to the airport just before 10 (taxi was 1370Y, about the same as last time). Thankfully we showed up early, we knew there was going to be a crowd from our experience last time but this time the line was at least twice as long. We were the second in line to check in and when we finished, the queue had circled all the way around the counter area. The falling yen had really given a boost to the number of Taiwanese coming to Japan.

我們不是在旅館較計程車,而是走到車站,覺得這樣不用等車還比較快。到機場10點 (車前1370Y,跟上回差不多)。幸好找來了,上回搭機就知道人不少,但這回排隊的人至少比上回多一倍。我們是第二個辦理登機的,辦好時人龍已經繞整個櫃檯區一整圈。日圓貶值可吸引了不少台灣人來日本。


The Fukuoka airport had undergone some changes to streamline the souvenir checkout (totally needed), and we bought some more sweets and things here. The sweet cake from Yufuin had an expiry of only 2 weeks, which meant I couldn’t bring it back to Australia, some other gifts were needed. I ended up with a few boxes of the famous Hakata chicken cakes (not the large 3D ones, just flat ones cut in the shape of little chickens).

福岡機場對伴手禮店有重新規劃過,調整結帳的動線 (上回就需要了)。由布院的甜點保存期限只有2星期,沒辦法帶回澳洲,所以在這裡另外買了些糕餅。博多有名的小雞蛋糕,但買的不是那個一整隻的立體小雞,而是扁的切成小雞形狀的)。

Fukuoka airport

Fukuoka airport

Fukuoka airport

Dad got a bowl of udon from the small eatery. Nothing fancy, tastes average. At least they had hot food and not just cold sandwiches or rice balls. They could do with a real cafe though.


Eatery udon小吃店烏龍麵

Eatery udon小吃店

Mom wanted to use up the coins so she sought to buy a can of coffee from the vending. She got a bit confused by the labelling and bought a cold can instead of a hot can (I wish Australia vending also sold hot can coffees, wait actually, I’d settle for them selling canned coffee that doesn’t taste like just sugar and artificial flavouring).



Food on EVA air tasted just as bad as the flight to Fukuoka. At least there’s ice cream.


EVA food

EVA food

EVA food

Onsen Maigo – Day 4


I didn’t book breakfast with our rooms, Richmond Hotel didn’t have buffet breakfasts, just 1000Y Japanese or western meal sets. Figured any cafe would be a cheaper.

這次訂房沒有附早餐。Richmond Hotel沒有自助式早餐,而是1000Y的日式或西式套餐。想想隨便一家咖啡館都會比較便宜吧。


Finding breakfast was always a little annoying in Japan (for those that wakes up early like us), the Japanese were very used to a toast or bread plus coffee combo, or udons. Me and my parents preferred something a little more filling, usually coming down to McDonalds  and cafes (Doutor which I have a special relationship with). The KITTE B1 had a few restaurants that also served breakfasts but they mostly open at 7:30. At close to 7 the only choices were cafes, which there were several around Hakata station. We first checkout the one in nearby Deitos, the menu looked a little thin. Then the ones in the main station itself. Seattle coffee, just off the side of the main thoroughfare, looked decent with good sandwiches.

在日本早餐總是件煩人事 (對我們這種早起的人來說)。日本人很習慣早餐簡單吃個吐司或麵包加咖啡,或烏龍麵。我和爸媽喜歡吃的稍微飽一點,通常能選的就只有麥當勞或咖啡館 (尤其是偏愛的Doutor)。KITTE B1有幾家餐廳早上也有營業賣早餐,但大多要7:30才開。近七點時的唯一選項就只有咖啡館了,博多車站附近有不少。第一家附近Deitos那間感覺菜單有點少。接著看車站內的那幾家。就在主通道旁的Seattle Coffee看起來三明治不錯。


The greeter at the door was very friendly and helpful and obviously had plenty of experience with foreigners. He pointed us to find a table first before we had decided on what to order, later when the croissant came cold he noticed us discussing over it and actively asked if we would like to have it heated. The price was a little higher than Doutor, at same time the portions were bigger and better. Dad still went for seconds eitherway.


Seattle’s best coffee

Seattle’s best coffee

Seattle’s best coffee

Day 4 was an extra day that had not been set in stone.



Originally after the railway to Aso was cut, the Aso Boy tourist train had been diverted to run to Mojiko, so it made sense to go to Mojiko/Shimonoseki. Aso Boy was a train designed with a black and white puppy theme and kid friendly, with ball pools, play areas and special parent-child seatings. I figured my parents might want to expience it and maybe consider taking my nephews on it in the future.


Aso boy train src:jrkyushu

As a side note, it’s faster to take the Shinkansen from Hakata to Kokura then transfer to a local train to Mojiko. The Hakata to Kokura section sees special fare rates (JR West runs it like a commuter segment to compete against JR Kyushu) and non-reserved seats are not much more expensive than the local line express, but can be up to 30 minutes faster.

順帶一提,去門司港搭新幹線到小倉後再轉區間車去會比搭一般特急快。博多到小倉的新幹線票價有特別優惠 (JR西日本把這段當通勤在跑,跟JR九州競爭),自由席不會比一般特急貴多少,但最多可省上30分鐘。


Then for December the Aso Boy train was moved to run to the Huis Ten Bosch theme park in Nagasaki (which I had no interest in going), this removed a major incentive for going to Mojiko. Thus it was thought we might instead go to Dazaifu and return earlier in the day to have a look around Tenjin.



We got a Fukuoka Tourist Pass from the Hakata station information centre. The pass came in two versions, one which included all metro and buses in centre of Fukuoka (820Y) and a wide pass version that also included the Nishitetsu rail to Dazaifu (1340Y). It cost a little more than a regular Dazaifu round trip from Hakata but it saved buying tickets each time, plus there was a chance of us using the metro again later in the day, the pass will then be cheaper.



To get to Dazaifu from Hakata required going to Tenjin first, walk to the Nishitetsu station, then depending on whether there was a direct service to Dazaifu, potentially another transfer at Futsukaichi. Be careful that sometimes it can be faster to go to Futsukaichi and transfer there anyway as it might be an extra limited express. There is a direct bus from Hakata but it is not covered by the pass and is subject to road traffic.


Nishitetsu Fukuoka 西鐵福岡

Nishitetsu Fukuoka 西鐵福岡

Dazaifu is dominated by the Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, like a confucian temple equivalent for chinese. The shrine is dedicated to Sugawara Michizane, who was a great scholar and poet back in the Heian period. Originally a member of the court, he was eventually demoted to be a minor official in far away Dazaifu where he died a lonely death. In one of his poems he lamented that he would never see the beloved plum tree in his Kyoto residence. Legend has it that the plum tree loved her master so much it eventually flew to Dazaifu.


Stories aside, because of veneration for the man’s wisdom and intellect, it became customary for students looking to get good grades or others looking to become accomplished to come and pay respect at the shrine. The place becomes especially busy before the university or highschool entrance exams kick off.



Initially we detoured to the nearby Komyozenji temple known for its zen rock gardens, sadly the temple grounds were closed, probably because it was the off seasons and they wanted to do maintenance. No big loss as the temple wasn’t far from the main street anyway.


Komyozenji 光明善寺

Dazaifu 太宰府

The main street before the shrine is only about 200 metres long, yet there are over 20 shops selling umegae-mochi, meaning plum stick cake. They are grilled rice cakes filled with red beans with little to do with plums outside the plum flower imprint on them. The origin of the cake is not known, all relates to Michizane in some way.


Making Umegae-mochi 梅ヶ枝餅製作

Initially I mistook Kanoya for the popular mochi shop Kasa no Ya, later after we have visited the main shrine we would line up at Kasa no Ya. The one from Kasa no Ya was grilled a little better but the filling much too sweet, felt the one from Kanoya was better to be honest.


Kanoya Umegae-mochi かのや梅ヶ枝餅

Kasanoya Umegae-mochi かさの屋梅ヶ枝餅

Amongst the many shops on the main street, a unsuspecting major attraction was the Starbucks. Designed by award winning architect using wood and other natural materials to create a space combining both nature and tradition. The wall and ceiling consisted of criss cross of wooden beams that narrowed in the middle and broaded on either ends, it made the place seemed much longer than it really was. A queue for coffee was quickly building up, we managed to get our coffee and find a table before the crowd showed up and extended the line well outside the shop.


Dazaifu Starbucks 太宰府星巴克

Dazaifu Starbucks 太宰府星巴克


There was also a Totoro shop here (the other in Yufuin). The shelves lined with plushies and toys from the Totoro anime by Studio Ghibli. I contemplated getting a white teardrop creature plushie, they weren’t too expensive (by tourist goods standards), but I already had a shelf full of Cinnamorolls and only in recent years have I just managed to stop them multiplying. I ended up buying a CD of Studio Ghibli musics performed in Japanese instruments.


Donguri no Mori豆豆龍店

While I was mulling over Totoros my parents had become interested in a fish roe shop across the street that promoted products that did not require refrigeration. They wanted to buy some but after asking the staff, found out the ones they liked still required refrigerated.


Fish roe shop 明太子店

Beyond the first torii is a statue of an ox. It’s said if you touched its head fortune will rub off on you. There was a queue so I didn’t join in.


Ox status, it’s said there’s actually 11 of them around the shrine 牛像,聽說一共有11隻分散宮中各處

Then in the gardens before the main shrine area, there was a performer with a trained monkey. We got there in time to catch the monkey climb a pole and slide around on skates.


Monkey performance 猴子雜耍

The main ground of the shrine is enclosed behind a large gate, the courtyard within was packed with people waiting for their chance to go up and pray at the shrine. Was it near exam time? I’m not sure.


Dazaifu 太宰府

Dazaifu 太宰府

Dazaifu 太宰府

Dazaifu 太宰府

One interesting thing was that the guardians of the gate looked to be none other than Michizane himself.


Gate guardian 守門神


Me and my parents split up once more, I wanted to check out the Kyushu Museum which was for the most part overshadowed by the shrine and ignored by most. My parents headed back to Tenjin for lunch on their own. The transfers were straightforward and they had been to Tenjin a few times now.


Dazaifu 太宰府

Dazaifu 太宰府

Dazaifu 太宰府

The Kyushu Museum laid off the other side of Tenmangu (turn right at the Tenmangu info centre), do not walk from Komyozenji Temple as that side involved a very steep climb up the stairs. From the Tenmangu you go up a flight of escalators then through a tunnel with people movers.


The Kyushu Museum focused on exhibitions about the cultural transmission between Japan and the rest of Asia, showing excavated artifacts from the Jomon periods onwards, potteries, figurines, arts, these could be compared to other artifacts of similar periods from the rest of asia, showing clear influences.


Kyushu Museum九州博物館

Kyushu Museum九州博物館

Kyushu Museum九州博物館

Kyushu Museum九州博物館

No photos allowed inside.



The museum had a rectangular main hall which presented a brief walk through history, then there were side rooms that featured more detailed explanations if one was interested in learning more. Some covered artifact restoration methods, others artifact replica making, expanded period features focusing on the routes which cultures were exchanged with the mainland.



Several historic periods were focused on in particularly. Jomon and pre-written history periods where Japan had few influences from the outside world. Big eyed figurines that had come to represent the period, flame shaped pottery and other ornaments.



The influx of Buddhism which transformed Japanese religious and societal order. There were many buddhist statues and pagodas. There was a very interested column with hundreds of buddhas carved on it, each with his hands held up in a slightly different pose, when one’s gaze moved between them it seemed the buddhas’s hands waved and beckoned.



The Heian periods trade with China(Tang Dynasty), where envoys were sent on trade missions. On display were examples of the goods that the ships would carry, silk and silver to china, and incense, books, medicines back to Japan. Replicas were available for one to get a first hand feel for what the texture of the clothes and scent of incenses were like.



In the mongol invasions Fukuoka played centre stage, the mongol forces landed on the shores near Hakata while the defences were mounted from Dazaifu, then the area’s political centre. The main exhibited piece was an urn full of coins recovered from the seabed, it was probably carried upon the ship of a high Mongol official when it sunk off the coast. Outside the exhibition hall, a small scale model of the excavated earthen works that formed part of the forward defences of the area could be found on display.



Then the influence of Ming ceramics on Japanese crafts. There were also forged seals of the Kyoto and Korean courts, created by pirates and smugglers in the Kyushu areas to conduct illicit businesses in the area.



The whole place took about an hour and a half to browse through at a semi-detailed pace. It is a shame the place is not more popular as the items displayed and the way they were exhibited told a very interesting story about the back and forth between the island and the continent.



On the way back to Tenjin I end up on the Tabito tourist train. Lucky.


Dazaifu Tabito train 旅人號

Dazaifu Tabito train 旅人號

I thus return to Tenjin around 1:30. On the train back I notice that the popular Cannon Ramen is just south the Nishitetsu station. Since it was past lunchtime I might be able to avoid the queues.

回到天神大約是1:30. 在車上查資料時我發覺有名的大砲拉麵就在西鐵站附近。已經過午餐時間了,應該不至於需排隊吧。


To my surprise there was still a queue when I got there. About 5 people ahead of me and another 10 quickly showed up behind. Sigh, ah well, just this once.



The ramen came with the eggs and chashu meat presented in a smiley face. It’s a little thicker than the usual Hakata ramen, rich in flavour and the noodle had just the right firmness. It’s good, but if there were a longer queue I wouldn’t be amiss if I skipped the place. The only ramen I genuinely crave remains the milk curry ramen in Aomori.


Canon Ramen 大砲拉麵


Canon Ramen 大砲拉麵

The afternoon was filled with a quick look around Tenjin. I figured I would search out Animate and see if they might have some Your Name (Kimi no Na Wa) goods on sale.



To my dismay, and to relief of my wallet, there’s not much goods yet and there was only a small section for it. I left empty handed. The movie was a surprise hit, there probably weren’t many arranged beforehand and it took time for the goods companies to get on aboard and put out something.



Tenjin was Fukuoka’s prime shopping district, though its shine had taken a dent since Hakata station developed into a sprawling mega department store, it still reigned as the king of glittery brands and trendy restaurants. Outside of Tokyo I had not seen such a high concentration of department stores all in such close proximity.


Tenjin 天神

Tenjin 天神

Tenjin 天神

After getting back to the hotel to meet up with my parents, who had taken an afternoon nap. We head out for dinner.



This time we went to KITTE B1 as I had intended the night before. I had my eyes set on the curry restaurant right by the entrance, dad took a look and suggested we check out all options first.

這回我們到原本昨晚要來的KITTE B1。我看上了入口的一家咖哩店,老爸看了一眼後說先全部看完再說吧。

KITTE 01 Curry 咖哩店

And so we discover this Nagasaki champon noodle place, whose noodles were topped with a huge amount of vegetables. One of its dish was titled all the vegetables you need for the day. (The curry place had a similar dish too). Convinced by the amount of vegetables piled on in the plastic food sample in the display, we enter and find a seat in the still largely empty restaurant. Japanese dinner prime time seemed to be not till 7 so it was still early.

若非這樣也不會發覺這家長崎什錦麵店,他的麵上頭配上小山般的蔬菜。其中一道號稱能滿足一天所需的所有蔬菜量 (咖哩店其實也有類似的一天蔬菜料理)。我們被餐點模型上堆得滿滿的蔬菜說服了,進去找了位子坐下。


The noodle suited our family’s tastes best out of all the restaurants I’d had in Japan so far. It wasn’t too salty, plenty of vegetables mixed with wood ear mushrooms, it was satisfying to have a meal that was light on the tastebuds and stomach. Due to its position and history of trade, Nagasaki cuisine had more chinese influence than any other places in Japanese main islands, might have contributed to its appeal to us.


Nagasaki champon noodle 長崎什錦麵

Nagasaki champon noodle 長崎什錦麵

Then it’s off the Tenjin to check out the department store’s christmas decorations.



The restaurants in Tenjin were packed, with lines outside each one we passed. Teppanyaki, tempura, grills, ramens, sushi, it was a Sunday night, maybe everyone just felt like eating out near Christmas. We were glad we had our dinner back at Hakata station early.



The main attraction was the park by the Nishitetsu station, where there was a skating rink and a christmas train for the kids. Each department store each had a different style and theme going for them, some were a little more invested, others just threw on some lights and called it a day. None compared to the grandeur that was Tokyo’s Shiodome or Roppongi, it’s Fukuoka after all, one of the smallest metropolis in Japan, not even Nagoya or Sapporo.


Tenjin 天神

Tenjin 天神

Tenjin 天神

Tenjin 天神

Tenjin 天神

Tenjin’s shopping streets were a maze, with alleys inside alleys, where one could quickly become lost, stairs leading up and down into various buildings where within were shopping arcades and squares. If only I had spent more time exploring them in the afternoons while more shops were open.


Tenjin 天神

I originally also wanted to go to Fukuoka Tower however by this time I was getting tired, so I returned to the hotel with my parents and called it a night early.
